A torque wrench that prevents 3 problems: under-tightening, over-tightening, and other human tightening errors.
- Pokayoke system to prevent under-tightening, over-tightening and missed tightening
- The QSPCAFH has been upgraded to the QSPCAFHM model.
- When set torque is reached, rotary slip occurs and a tightened-to-completion radio signal is transmitted. The system is cordless, greatly increasing workability.
- [New Telecommunication Mode] The QSPCAFHM can monitor transmitter battery voltage. Distance has been extended to around 20–30 meters.
- One R-CM receiver can check the IDs of up to four torque wrenches. When connected to the CNA-4mk3 Count Checker (Poka Patrol), it is easy to build a Pokayoke (error proofing) system.
- The QSPCAFHM can be switched to the older telecommunication mode using the SB-FH2 setting controller (sold separately). Then the older R-FH256 can be used.
- The QSPCAFHP/QSPCAFHM conform to the IEC 61340-5-1:2007 Standard (protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena).