Message from HAKKO:
Thank you for using HAKKO products.
We have confirmed that some counterfeit products are widely-distributed in the market. Although these counterfeit products are not manufactured by HAKKO, they are illegally marked with our trademark and logo. And, it is reported from both domestically and internationally, frequently sold through internet.
These counterfeit products mostly do not meet certain quality standard we defined. For your safety and your quality control, we recommend not to use the counterfeit products, and use HAKKO genuine products/parts which comply with safety standard and quality criteria.
HAKKO is not responsible for any incident and failure caused by counterfeit products. Please pay special attention when purchasing through internet.
Thank you for your understanding, and we hope to keep serving you continuously with our products.
KNOW YOUR HAKKO! Buy from authorised HAKKO Distributors only!
Neuro Technology Middle East FZE is the Exclusive Distributor for HAKKO Products in the region.
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